semalam sebelum masuk tidur aku buat panggilan dengan amal dulu . sembang punya sembang aku minta izin dia yang aku nak jumpa kawan aku yang dia tak suka tu , memang hilang segala mood masa bincang pasal hal tu --" pastu malam tu dia ada hantar msg

dia hantar ni ;

" dear..when i meet you at the first time , i feel something that i cant truelly understand....the pain of ur heart, loneliness, being doing like this..makes me feel the same way..i had promise to myself, to take care of you, to give you all the happiness, to make you feel great..and to make you may forget all the past.. u are my love , my heart, my life, my death.. i will not trying to hurt you because you are my most valueable thing. without you,im nothing.. when im with you, i can feel that im free. the calm than cant be explained, i need you like im needin my blood, pumping to all my heart and my brain. i wont let u fall to another hand, couldnt let u sad.. couldnt let u cry. couldnt let you go"

aku saaaaaaayang dia :')

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